Jennifer Wilke-Deaton, MA. LPA
Jennifer Wilke-Deaton, M.A., L.P.A., is a licensed behavioral health therapist working in a private practice setting in Richmond and Lexington, KY, and a nationally recognized school consultant. Jen has 25 years of experience working with crisis management, psychological testing, inpatient/outpatient treatment, groups, families, and the court system. A tireless and passionate advocate for children and families, she developed a parent training program recognized by the Governor’s Commission for the Treatment of Children &Families and Kentucky’s Child Protective Services. Jen helped create a regional children’s crisis stabilization unit, children’s advocacy center, and an intensive after-school program for behaviorally-challenged youth. She has published the Creative Parenting Handbook, CD Awareness In Focus: Modern Guided Imagery Techniques for Immediate Practice, CD Awareness in Focus By Kids For Kids, and The Mandala Workbook: Activities Across the Lifespan.
In addition to delivering her nationally recognized training programs for PESI/CMI and keynote presentations, Jen regularly speaks on mental health issues and child abuse for Morehead State University, Eastern Kentucky University, KY Child Protective Services, and National Public Radio; as well as serving as the psychometrician for the Center for Academic and Tutoring Services (CATS)-University of Kentucky, and providing psychological evaluations and therapeutic support services for the Department of Disability Determinations and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Jennifer consults regularly for private/state foster care organizations, social services, schools, psychiatric hospitals, Head Start programs, in-home therapy programs, and case management services. Her specialties are in the areas of child abuse, PTSD, DBT, behavioral disorders, anxiety, autistic spectrum, and attachment. Jen shares time-tested, real approaches from the trenches, using humor, energy and passion for helping others.