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Jamy Stammel

Adjunct Professor

University at Buffalo

Jamy is an LCSW graduate of the University at Buffalo where she is currently an adjunct in the Graduate School of Social Work teaching Perspectives on Trauma and Human Rights: Contemporary Theory, Research, Policy & Practice and also Child Abuse and Neglect. She received an MA in women’s studies from the University at Albany. She was an adjunct professor at the University at Albany for three years. She is currently working at bestself Behavioral Health and was an Assistant Program Director prior to moving over to a counselor IV position which is a private practitioner within an agency setting. She oversees the adolescent treatment program at her site and piloted a trauma track to streamline services to trauma treatment effectively. She has trauma specific training in Cognitive Processing Therapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) and is a DBT therapist trained through the Linehan Institute. She is the co-chair of the TICTAC (Trauma-Informed Care Treatment Advisory Committee) for her agency.  She is trained in gender-affirming care, International Critical Incident Individual and Group Debriefing and is in the process of the two-year training through WPATH (The World Professional Association for Transgender Health). Her areas of specialty are trauma, substance use disorders, PTSD, Dissociative Identity Disorder, LGBTQIA2S+ and adolescents. She is an advisory board member for the Trauma Informed Community Initiative of Western New York (TICI). At ITTIC, Jamy is a SAMHSA trainer, and provides training, consultation and coaching to staff in both ITTIC's projects with Catholic Health and CHCANYS. She has presented at three of the International Congress on Law and Mental Health conferences around various aspects of trauma informed care, trauma treatment and systems. 

Media Types

Trauma-Informed Care: Supporting People Affected by Substance Use

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Average Rating:
Certificate Program: Online Trauma-Informed Organization: Basics for All Staff |  Trauma and PTSD |  Substance Use and Addiction |  Trauma-Informed Organization: Elective Courses
Jamy Stammel
1 Hour 7 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Recording Date:
Jun 30, 2023
Course ID:
$60.00 - Standard

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