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Nonprofit Leadership Series

Purchase four parts and save $20! 


The COVID-19 Crisis has placed unprecedented burdens and constraints on the nonprofit community in critical areas like fundraising, capacity-building, programming, leadership development and short/long-term strategic planning. In response, award-winning nonprofit leader and consultant Rob Levit has prepared a series of interactive online workshops to empower participants with new mindsets, practical tools and innovative approaches for thriving in the “next normal.” In addition, attendees will find a safe and supportive community to share issues and concerns with. While the sessions are designed to be sequential, each module is available as a stand alone session.


Part 1: Leadership Under Pressure: Vision, Agility, Connection and Messaging

Leadership skills are more essential than ever as many nonprofits struggle to maintain operations, communicate with stakeholders and reinvent programs. Learn, discuss and practice the four essential leadership skills that not only strengthen nonprofits but also deepen resilience for leaders
and their teams.

Part 2: Program Excellence: Adapting and Creating Mission Impact

Now is the time for a envisioning, reinvention and refreshing of programs. Most nonprofit program models have been severely disrupted but organizations that use the COVID-19 Crisis to reexamine programs have the opportunity to create positive impact in unforeseen and serendipitous ways. Learn, discuss and share best practices for programming in the new era and hear success stories of diverse nonprofits making mission impact right now.

Part 3: Rethinking Marketing and Fundraising for a New Era: Tools and Best Practices

Traditional fundraising events and techniques may be less viable than they once were but that doesn’t mean that nonprofit organizations can’t reach out to donors, funders and their community for financial and other forms of support. Learn, share and discuss different forms of marketing and
fundraising and how they can be adapted and transformed during and after the crisis. Nonprofits will learn the deepening value of relationship-building, partnerships and an innovation mindset to keep the “engine of impact” running strong.

Part 4: The Next Normal: Creating a Resilient and Anti-Fragile Nonprofit

What will it take to not only survive but thrive in our new era? While it is critical to focus on current operations and programs, nonprofit organizations must also be preparing and thinking about the “next normal” and be prepared for further disruptions in funding, supply chains, internal operations
and regulations. Using research from McKinsey and Company as well as many of the greatest organizational strategists in the world, participants will learn discuss and share ideas, structures and plans for fearlessly moving forward into the future.

Rob Levit
Course ID: CES200617
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 from 12:00 am to 01:51 am EDT
Regular Price: 50.00
Discounted Price: 45.00
Rob Levit
Course ID: CES200624
Wednesday, June 24, 2020 from 12:00 am to 01:41 am EDT
Regular Price: 50.00
Discounted Price: 45.00
Rob Levit
Course ID: CES200714
Wednesday, July 01, 2020 from 12:00 am to 01:55 am EDT
Regular Price: 50.00
Discounted Price: 45.00
Rob Levit
Course ID: CES200708
Wednesday, July 08, 2020 from 12:00 am to 01:48 am EDT
Regular Price: 50.00
Discounted Price: 45.00


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