Foundations of Anti-Racist Clinical Practice: Examining Biases and Harmful Thinking

Registration Open September 8, 2021

It is important to acknowledge that if you have a brain, you have a bias. This training will focus on internal biases and how these biases affect therapeutic treatments in the workplace. We will provide a framework to define bias, determine how they are formed, discover why everyone has them, and what we can do about them. The training will also address intent versus impact and whether good intent is enough to reduce the impact of biases. We will also discuss preventative measures that can be taken to help prevent biases from interrupting client clinical experiences in our practice.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify, Recognize and Differentiate between implicit bias, colorblindness bias, poverty discipline bias, and deficit thinking bias and how we all perpetuate harm.
  2. Explain how these 4 biases show up in therapeutic work and learn strategies to mitigate biases.
  3. Prepare plans to reduce this experience in treatment.
  4. Practice prioritizing impact over intent.

Research: Research on this training can be found on the following sites:

Content level: Beginning, intermediate and advanced

Target Audience: social workers, mental health therapists, and other clinicians providing mental health services to children, youth, and families who meet the NYS OMH training grant eligibility criteria

Customer Service

ADA Accommodations: If you require any support for your ADA needs in the United States, please contact us by email at least 3 weeks prior to the event by email at or by phone at 716-829-5843.

Customer Service: We are happy to respond to any concerns or questions you may have. Please contact us at by email at or by phone at 716-829-5843.