Interventions for Attachment Trauma: Healing Past Wounds
Course Dates:
Mon., July 7, 2025 from 8:45 am to 4:00 pm
Tues., July 8, 2025 from 8:45 am to 4:00 pm
This course focuses on attachment wounds that occur in childhood and explain why our clients struggle in therapy. This course will offer interventions for use with adults and children to help repair the wounds.
Do you want to know why your adult clients struggle with?
- Difficulty forming close emotional relationships
- Extensive conflict with spouse, children, family and friends
- Rigid, inflexible and struggles to have fun and relax
- Seek other adults or inappropriate activities to soothe
- Others “disappoint” them and client has a hard time trusting
- Clinical interventions have very little impact and progress is slow
- Regressive behaviors to a younger age with behaviors such as a temper tantrums
- Multiple diagnoses from many providers
Do you want to know why your child clients struggle with?
- Exhibit severe behaviors including stealing, lying, arguing, defiance, and aggression
- Act like two different children: nice and sweet, enraged and defiant
- Sexualized behaviors
- Hoarding food and overeating
- Meltdowns for hours at a time
- Multiple diagnoses including Reactive Attachment Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Disruptive Behavior Disorder, ADHD, and Conduct Disorder
Learning Objectives:
- Interpret “Meaning of Behaviors” Using a Consultation Form
- Identify attachment trauma symptoms and behaviors and understand how this leads to dissociative symptoms
- Complete an in-depth attachment history to assess attachment wounds and disruptions
- Use brain science and window of tolerance to help clients understand their own reactive behaviors
- Use mentalization questions and attachment repair interventions to help clients resolve early childhood trauma
- Apply Effective grounding and soothing tools to manage dissociative symptoms
Research: research on attachment and trauma on Google Scholar.
Target Audience: social workers, mental health practitioners, creative arts therapists, marriage and facility therapists, psychologists, and other interested individuals
Customer Service
We are happy to respond to any concerns or questions you may have. Please contact us at by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.
ADA Accommodations: If you require any support for your ADA needs in the United States, please contact us by email at least 3 weeks prior to the event by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.