Using PuzzleArt™ Visualization Tools to Cope with Anxiety and Connect to Self and Others In-Person and through Telehealth
Original Recording Date :
Recorded webinar.
This workshop will provide an overview of the neural benefits of visualization to create and follow your own path. Through Alli’s PuzzleArt™ Therapy program, she will demonstrate how her program utilizes visualization skills to provide a safe activity that reduces stress and anxiety and promotes connection across the lifespan. There will be a focus on the use of targeted PuzzleArt™ tools to generate connection to your inner self, connection to close others, and connection to society at large. Participants will have the opportunity to practice a selection of hands-on activities and explore how the programs can be applied to use with clients both during in-person sessions as well as through telehealth. Participants will leave with tools and activities they can use in their very next session.
Learning objectives:
Research: PuzzleArt™ programs and tools include the use of breathing and sensorimotor grounding techniques. Additional journal articles on the relevant skills utilized in PuzzleArt™ programs include:
Target Audience: social workers, mental health practitioners, creative arts therapists, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, and other interested individuals
Customer ServiceWe are happy to respond to any concerns or questions you may have. Please contact us at by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.
ADA Accommodations: If you require any support for your ADA needs in the United States, please contact us by email at least 3 weeks prior to the event by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.
Alli Berman, MA, PAT, is a Brain Fitness expert, Artist, Author, Educator, and workshop leader for 40+ years. She received a BA in Education and a BA in Art from Stony Brook University, an MS/Abt from the Pratt Institute, and an MA in Education with a concentration in Neuroscience Approach from Gateway University. She is currently enrolled in a PhD Program in Education with a concentration in Neuroscience Approach from Gateway University. Alli is an educational advisor to the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine and founder of Anti-Aging Art and Brain Fitness Art. Half a million people have benefited from her arts, professional development, therapy, creativity and educational programs. Alli has provided workshops to behavioral optometrists, school based, private practice, and rehabilitation therapists and staff. Her programs are used in the military and in 16 countries across the globe in a variety of healthcare settings. Her art is in museums, galleries and corporate and private collections worldwide.