Grief and Loss: Exploring New Ideas to Enhance Your Practice
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Recorded webinar.
"Grief is the last act of love we have to give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love."- Unknown
Loss is a universal human experience. Grief impacts all clients, whether from death, a divorce, grief from trauma, or another kind of loss. It is essential for all therapists to have the tools and knowledge of being grief-informed regardless of their specialty. In this interactive workshop, participants will gain the knowledge and confidence to work with grieving individuals and learn:
-The current models of grief, including the Dual Process Model, Worden's Tasks of Grief, and Continuing Bonds Theory.
-Review Prolonged Grief Disorder Criteria.
-Identify core principles of being grief informed.
-Explore different treatment options for grieving individuals, including EMDR, Progressive Counting, and Induced After Death Communication.
-Learn various techniques to be used in individual or group counseling sessions utilizing music, art, bibliotherapy, poetry, and guided imagery.
Learning Objectives:
-Compare at least three current theoretical frameworks of grief and loss.
-Differentiate between different kinds of grief, including anticipatory, prolonged, acute, traumatic grief, cumulative and disenfranchised.
-Discuss current research on grief and loss, including Prolonged Grief Disorder.
-Identify various therapeutic interventions to use with grieving clients.
Content level: beginning and intermediate.
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Kelly Daugherty, LCSW-R, is a Certified Grief Counselor with over 20 years of experience in the field of grief and loss. Kelly graduated with her BSW and MSW from Florida State University. Kelly has worked as a therapist, program manager, and clinical director at mental health agencies and hospices. She currently owns and operates a private practice, Greater Life Grief Counseling, LCSW, in Malta, NY. She has helped thousands of individuals navigate their grief journey by providing individual and group therapy to children, adolescents, and adults experiencing illness and bereavement. Kelly has created innovative, multi-faceted programs, including grief camps and grief groups, including Healing Strides which combines grief counseling with walk/run-based therapy. Kelly has dedicated her career to helping individuals integrate their grief into their life in a healthy way by developing healthy coping skills, reducing symptoms, and achieving their goals through the utilization of cutting-edge, proven techniques. Kelly is a co-author of Holistic Mental Health, which will be released in October 2022.