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Preventing additional Trauma for Juvenile Justice Youth through effective communication and rapport building
Original Recording Date :

Course Format

Recorded webinar.

This course is suitable for all levels of Social Work, Mental Health, Educators, and Service Providers that are in contact with youth that are involved in the Juvenile Justice System. This course is designed to give a comprehensive outlook on Juvenile Justice Youth, their history, offenses, family, thought processes, and how communication can be more helpful while dealing with these sometimes-difficult behaviors. Within the last five years, the Juvenile Justice system has changed dramatically with new laws, additional provisions, and trauma informed care training for staff. The raise the age laws and changes in regulations for supervision for youth remaining in the community post offense have caused new challenges for behavioral health professionals in providing treatment and support. In addition, youth are still struggling to be successful within the Juvenile Justice system in relation to receiving proper treatments and making positive connections with their therapists and other service providers. This workshop is designed to discover barriers for our youth and families by using a trauma informed approach, while still being realistic and holding the youth accountable. There will be an opportunity for mental and behavioral health service providers to receive support and information that can be applied right away.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize missed opportunities, and or gaps in rapport building with targeted group.
  • Differentiate between youth and families that are ready for the therapeutic engagement process versus those still contemplating.
  • Analyze your current style of communication and determine if there is room for a more trauma sensitive approach.
  • Identify situations/conversations that may be re-traumatizing to youth.
  • Describe the importance of collaboration with the Juvenile Justice system when dealing with the youth in the community.

Research:  Research on this topic can be found at the following websites:

Target Audience: social workers, mental health practitioners, creative arts therapists, marriage and facility therapists, psychologists, addiction professionals, case managers, probation officers, and other interested individuals.

Customer Service

We are happy to respond to any concerns or questions you may have. Please contact us at by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.

ADA Accommodations: If you require any support for your ADA needs in the United States, please contact us by email at least 3 weeks prior to the event by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.

Nicole Jordan, LCSW

Nicole Jordan, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for her clinical private practice, Kaleidoscope Living, and an adjunct instructor for the University at Buffalo School of Social Work program. Prior to this role, she worked for Erie County for twenty years and held multiple positions, including Social Welfare Examiner and Probation Officer. Her passion for the profession rests on education's premise to empower and build strong, healthy, long-term relationships for individuals, families, and communities. Nicole graduated from the University at Buffalo School of Social Work, c/o 2016. She continues to contribute to the development of social work students by teaching courses such as social work history, policy trauma, and human rights.

This is the second time Nicole Jordan has presented for the UB SSW Office of Continuing Education. Her first presentation was "Preventing Additional Trauma for Juvenile Justice Youth Through Effective Communication and Rapport Building.”


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