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Managing Dissociation through the Use of Soothing & Grounding Skills
Original Recording Date :

Course Format

Recorded webinar.

Social workers and mental health practitioners are often faced with attachment related concerns in their clients, which leads to dissociative symptoms. Practitioners struggle with keeping their clients grounded in order to effectively resolve traumatic experiences.

This training provides an opportunity for staff and clinicians working with children, adolescents and young adults to increase their confidence in talking to clients about trauma, identifying dissociative symptoms, and how to effectively manage these symptoms through creative and play-based soothing and grounding tools.

This workshop will provide scripts, demonstration videos, and photo images of varied ways of using the techniques. Participants will also practice a variety of the 30 soothing and grounding tools.

These easy to learn, practical, hands-on techniques are for use with children, adolescents and young adults.

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply “What is” Trauma and Dissociation scripts to adults, teens and children
  • Explain dissociation to parents and ways to help support their children through grounding and soothing strategies
  • Apply interviewing questions for parents, teens and children to inquire more about dissociation symptoms
  • Use movement interventions to manage trauma and dissociation in the body by learning physical relaxation strategies
  • Manage the symptoms of dissociation, intrusive thoughts and hyperarousal using grounding techniques including scents, TV Tool, Dial, Shrinking, yoga flow and Lisa Najavits Seeking Safety grounding techniques
  • Demonstrate in a practice session at least 6 soothing tools to reduce distress and increase a sense of calm. Techniques include Eraser, Shield, Finger Holds, and Worry Worms.


Seeking Safety, A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse, Lisa Najavits (book)
Healing Trauma, Peter Levine PHD (book) (International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation)

Target Audience: social workers, mental health practitioners, case managers, creative arts therapists, marriage and facility therapists, psychologists, addiction professionals, and other interested individuals.

Customer Service

ADA Accommodations: If you require any support for your ADA needs in the United States, please contact us by email at least 3 weeks prior to the event by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.

We are happy to respond to any concerns or questions you may have. Please contact us at by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.

Annie Monaco, LCSW-R, RPT

Annie Monaco, LCSW-R, RPT-S, is co-founder of Playful EMDR, an online hub for training and consultation in treating trauma-exposed children. Annie travels internationally and throughout the US providing specialty trainings on EMDR with children and teens and how to effectively treat attachment wounds and dissociative strategies and self-states. Annie has extensive experience with foster care, out of country adoptions, and at-risk teenagers and family therapy. Through the Child Trauma Institute & Trauma Institute, Annie is an EMDRIA approved trainer of EMDR and trainer of Progressive Counting and provides consultation to therapists and agencies.

Annie was a Director of Restorative Justice programs at a non-profit agency where she oversaw juvenile and adult offender programs for over 10 years. Presently her private practice includes a multitude of behaviors and issues including foster care, out of country adoptions, juvenile justice and dissociation. Annie is the co-editor and contributor of chapters for EMDR with Children in the Play Therapy Room, An Integrated Approach (2020) and contributing chapter for EMDR and Creative Arts Therapies (2022).

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Nicole Elizabeth Wolasz, LCSW-R

Nicole is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a faculty member of the Trauma Institute and Child Trauma Institute. Nicole has been serving youth and families in Western New York since 1997. She specializes in family therapy, grief/loss issues, trauma therapy and juvenile offender work. Nicole provides training and consultation to therapists and agencies throughout WNY on Trauma- Informed Care and how to implement it into daily practice. She is also an Approved Consultant in EMDR and a Trainer and Consultant of Progessive Counting.


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